Thursdays are For…Thinking Out Load #1

Since I’m new to this blogging thing…I’m going to link up with Amanda for Thinking Out Loud Thursdays!


Have you managed to get caught in a summer storm? I did on Tuesday…by accident.

It all started when I decided it was “too rainy” to run in the morning. So as my afternoon class was wrapping up, I checked the weather. Perfect! The rain was stopping from about 3:30 to about 6pm.

I got home and laced up….

Ready to Run!

Ready to Run!

But a mile and a half in, the skies opened up and it started to pour.

My first though: I can’t believe I ditched my Lifeproof iPhone case last week.

So, here I am, about 2 miles from home, PRAYING that my phone will make it through the run. I pulled out my headphones, rolled them up in my armband, and stuck the whole thing in my sports bra. Because it was truly the only slightly dry place to put it.

I then proceeded to run the next 2 miles sans music, which isn’t something I hadn’t done in months. Since we can’t use headphones in our military uniforms, I’ve been enjoying my time as a full-time student who doesn’t have to work out with a unit every day.

It was amazing. It was me, soaking wet, blazing through the warm raindrops, sopping wet braid flapping back and forth, shoes squeaking with every step. It was peaceful, relaxing, and nostalgic. It was everything I remember about being caught in a summer rainstorm.

It wasn’t the rainstorms, per say. But I have so many memories of being caught in the rain. My first true memory of childhood involved sneaking outside with my baby brother to splash around the backyard—in a summer rainstorm. [Side Note: My baby sister was born that day, and we got caught by our grandpa. This may explain why I remember it so well, despite being 4 years old.]

When I finally made it home, my iPhone still worked! So I ditched it, and went back out to finish my 5-miler. It felt great to throw aside my inhibition and just run again. The rain had slowed to a drizzle, and kids were racing outside to play again. I watched a pair of toddlers splashing in the little puddles in their driveway. Just like I remembered. It was so perfect.

Post run...soaking wet, but feeling awesome!

Post run…soaking wet, but feeling awesome!

And, to make it even better, I CRUSHED my run. Five miles in 37 minutes, something I haven’t done in months. Good things happen when you really, truly love what you’re doing!

Have you been caught in a summer storm yet?


4 thoughts on “Thursdays are For…Thinking Out Load #1

  1. I have not been caught in summer storm while running BUT I love when it rains during this time of year. I am in Southern California, and we are going through an awful drought, so I would gladly take any rain right now! What a fun experience for you, girl. 🙂


    • Thanks, Julia! I’ve only been to Southern California once. It was in December, and it was so beautiful, lush, and green even in the winter! Fingers crossed that you get some rain soon!


  2. Congrats on the awesome run, girl! I’ve only managed to get caught in the rain on a few occasions while out running, but it’s seriously an awesome feeling… as long as you’re not worried about electronics 😆 That being said, we haven’t really gotten many good storms here this year, which makes me super sad because I love them!


    • Thanks Amanda! And thanks for hosting. I’ve been reading your blog for months, and really appreciate the chance to connect with you and some of my other favorite bloggers!


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